Attorney Discipline & Ineligibility
Attorney discipline in the Northern District of California is governed by Civil Local Rules 11-6 and 11-7. Pursuant to these rules, an attorney’s good standing as a member of the bar of the court of this district may be challenged by means of reciprocal discipline (that is, the attorney has been disbarred, suspended or placed on disciplinary probation by any other court) and as a consequence of conduct while practicing law in this court. By application of the processes provided for by Rules 11-6 and 11-7, an attorney who has been a member of the bar of this court may become ineligible to practice in this court.
By Order of the Chief Judge dated September 1, 2012 the authorized duties of the Chief Judge under Civil Local Rule 11-7 are delegated to the Discipline Liaison Judge (currently District Judge Haywood Gilliam).