Criminal Justice Act (CJA)
The application period is now open for the 2025 Northern District of California Criminal Justice Act panels: The Appellate Panel, the San Francisco and Oakland Trial Panel, and the San Jose Trial Panel. Attorneys lacking the minimum qualifications for the Trial Panel should apply to the Tier II Panel.
Applications can be accessed at the Northern District of California Federal Public defender website:
Applications are accepted through 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 21, 2025.
The Criminal Justice Act (CJA) (United States Code: Title 18, § 3006A) provides federal funds for attorneys, experts, and services necessary for the adequate representation of indigent defendants. In the Northern District, the CJA Unit of the Clerk’s Office administers the CJA.
In addition to overseeing payment to counsel and experts, the CJA Unit serves as a resource for panel members in their representation of indigent clients.
Note to Visitors:
The CJA Unit is currently doing some website housekeeping. If you have trouble finding what you are looking for, please contact us.
Important Notice:
All claims for compensation under the CJA in the Northern District of California must made through eVoucher.
CJA Policy Documents at a Glance:
Northern District
- General Order 2—CJA Plan
- General Order 50—CJA Procedures
- MOU re: Assessment of Indigence (April 2014)
- CJA Policy Manual
- CJA Fee Review Committee
- Electronic Discovery