
Magistrate Judge Nathanael Cousins

San Jose Courthouse, Courtroom 5 – 4th Floor
280 South 1st Street, San Jose, CA 95113

Public Hearings

Please click the link below to join webinars (public hearings). If you are a case participant, you will join as an attendee, then you will be brought into the proceeding by court staff.

Webinar ID: 160 163 2758
Password: 277082

Join a Webinar by Phone or Other Connection

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you are a case participant (attorney, party, witness, or other person who will actively participate in the hearing), it is strongly recommended that you join Zoom using the Zoom application rather than by a telephone connection.  If you must appear by telephone, the numbers posted for each judge are for the public and are listen-only, so you will need to contact the Courtroom Deputy (CRD) at least one business day before the hearing to request a Zoom invitation (which will be sent via email) in order to join the hearing as a case participant.

Phone: (669) 254-5252 or (646) 828-7666
International numbers:

H.323: (US West) or (US East)


Non-Public Hearings [Settlement Conferences]

The court will use Zoom Meetings (as opposed to Zoom Webinars) for settlement conferences and other non-public hearings.  To join a meeting, click on the link below.  You will initially enter a “waiting room” and will be admitted into the meeting by court staff.

Meeting ID: 160 651 0291
Password: 506365

Join a Meeting by Phone or Other Connection

Phone: (669) 254-5252
International numbers:

H.323: (US West) or (US East)



Please review this important guidance on participating in a Zoom Webinar or Meeting.

View Judge Cousins’ Schedule of Upcoming Proceedings…
View Scheduling Notes…

Weekly Court Calendar Schedule
Civil Law & MotionWednesdays11:00 a.m.
Case Management ConferencesWednesdays10:00 a.m.
Civil Pretrial ConferencesWednesdays2:00 p.m.
Criminal Law & MotionWednesdays11:30 a.m.
Criminal Duty MattersDaily During Duty Months1:00 p.m.
TrialsMonday – Friday9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Calendar Clerk & Courtroom
Civil Case Docketing, Docket Corrections & PDF Follow-upsSee Civil Docketing
Criminal Case DocketingSee Criminal Docketing
Multi-District Litigation (MDL) InquiriesSee Multi-District Litigation
Chambers Email for Proposed

Chambers Copy Requirements

The processing of unnecessary chambers copies wastes resources and burdens the court.  Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 5-1(d)(7), chambers copies should not be submitted unless required by the assigned judge’s standing order or specifically requested by the assigned judge.

Judges’ standing orders may include additional requirements and may differ from the local rules in other particulars.  If they are not in agreement, a judge’s standing order supersedes the local rules.

The pertinent parts of Judge Cousins’ standing orders are set forth below:

No chambers copies of motions or discovery-related filings are required unless requested.

Delivery Address

Robert F. Peckham Federal Building
& United States Courthouse
Office of the Clerk
280 South 1st Street
San Jose, CA 95113

About Magistrate Judge Nathanael Cousins

Magistrate Judge Nathanael Cousins has his chambers in San Jose, but he has served in each courthouse in the Northern District of California, from Salinas to Eureka.

He joined the Court in 2011 from the U.S. Department of Justice, where he worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney (San Jose and San Francisco offices) and Antitrust Division Trial Attorney (San Francisco). In those positions, he had criminal jury trials before many of the Judges of this Court. He was part of the team that prosecuted global price-fixing cartels in memory chip markets. He also coordinated Operation Ceasefire, a community program to reduce gang violence in Monterey County.

Immediately before joining the Department of Justice, he worked as a civil litigation associate and then partner in the Chicago office of Kirkland & Ellis, and before that he was a litigation associate in the Los Angeles office of Greenberg Glusker. His civil litigation cases focused on antitrust, class actions, consumer fraud, securities fraud, and civil rights. He was pro bono class counsel for inmates at an Illinois state prison.

Judge Cousins graduated from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. After law school, he clerked for the Hon. F.A. Little, Jr., Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Louisiana. He received his undergraduate degree in political science from Stanford. While in school, he studied abroad in Russia and the Netherlands.

Judge Cousins has taught legal writing, moot court, and antitrust law at Hastings, and participates regularly in moot court and trial training programs at Bay Area law schools. He also coaches basketball and soccer.
