
New PACER Website

PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) has a newly redesigned website, New features include: • A mobile-friendly design • A new tool to search for court-specific information • An interactive format for Frequently Asked Questions...

New General Orders 74 and 75 (effective March 30, 2020)

Chief Judge Hamilton has issued General Order 74, Temporary Use of Teleconferencing, Videoconferencing, and Other Procedures in Criminal Matters Pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES ACT”), and General Order 75, Temporary...

Notice Regarding Santa Rita Jail (Posted March 26, 2020)

Two pods at Santa Rita jail in Dublin, Alameda County, were placed on quarantine today. One as a direct response to Covid-19 exposure of a medical employee and the other, out of an abundance of caution, due to a case of pneumonia (or another medical condition). Those...