
Legal Help Center Templates & Packets

The templates and packets on this page have been developed for people without lawyers by the Justice & Diversity Center (JDC); the JDC templates are organized into packets that include instructions.

  • The Legal Help Centers have available many additional templates that are not posted here. You are encouraged to visit the Legal Help Centers for legal advice, for assistance with templates and to obtain additional templates.
  • A selection of official court forms often used by people without lawyers is at the bottom of this page. To view all official court forms used in civil cases of all kinds, visit the Civil Forms page.
  • Official court forms for prisoners are listed on the Forms for Prisoners page. 
  • The Court’s Pro Se Handbook provides an overview of procedures in this federal court and provides some context for understanding how and when the templates on this page are used: view Pro Se Handbook

Legal Help Center Templates & Packets

Administrative Motion to Change CMC Hearing Date (.pdf, 206 KB)  (if you want to ask the court to change the date of your Case Management Conference)
Administrative Motion to Change Filing Deadline (.pdf, 387 KB)  (if you want to ask the court to change the date your paperwork is due)
Administrative Motion to Change Hearing Date (.pdf, 225 KB)  (if you want to ask the court to change a hearing date)
Administrative Motion to Respond to Court's Order to Show Cause (.pdf, 152 KB) (use this form if the Court issues an Order to Show Cause)
Administrative Notice—Change of Contact Information (.pdf, 176 KB)  (if you want to tell the court about a change in your address, phone number or email) 
Answer Packet (.pdf, 242 KB) (to respond to a lawsuit)
Answer—ADA (.pdf, 237 KB)   (to respond to a lawsuit involving the denial of access to a property under the Americans with Disabilities Act)
Bankruptcy Appeal Designation of Record & Statement of Issues (.pdf, 230 KB)
Blank Declaration (.pdf, 176 KB)
Blank Pleading Paper (.doc, 41 KB)
Case Management Statement (.pdf, 320 KB) (must be submitted before you attend your Case Management Conference)
Certificate of Service for Non-Pleadings (.pdf, 167 KB)
Discovery—Initial Disclosures Packet (.pdf, 288 KB)  (exchange initial information with the other parties in the lawsuit)
Discovery—Interrogatory Packet (.pdf, 476 KB) (to request answers from another party to questions that you have regarding the lawsuit)
Discovery—Request for Admissions Packet (.pdf, 470 KB) (to request that the other side admit certain facts in the lawsuit)
Discovery—Request for Documents Packet (.pdf, 467 KB) (to request documents and other things from parties in the lawsuit)
General Complaint Packet (.pdf, 335 KB) (to start a lawsuit)
Legal Research Guide for Pro Se Litigants (.pdf, 504 KB)
Magistrate Judge Consent/Declination Form (.pdf, 571 KB) Form to consent to or decline the jurisdiction of a magistrate judge. [Word]
Motion for Extension under Local Rule 7-3 (.docx, 46 KB)
Motion for Permission for Electronic Case Filing and Proposed Order (.pdf, 77 KB)  (request permission from the Court to use the electronic filing system to file documents in your case)
Motion Packet (.pdf, 1 MB) (to ask the court to do something, for example: dismiss the complaint)
Motion—Opposition to Motion Packet (.pdf, 243 KB) (if you want to oppose another party's motion, for example a motion to dismiss your case)
Motion—Opposition to Motion to Dismiss (.pdf, 290 KB) (if you want to oppose another party's motion to dismiss your case)
Motion—Reply Brief packet (.pdf, 175 KB) (after the other side has opposed your motion, use this form for further support of your motion)
Proposed Order on Motion for Extension of Time Under Local Rule 7-3 (.docx, 44 KB)
Settlement Conference Brief (.pdf, 870 KB) (use this form to submit a brief before your settlement conference)
Voluntary Dismissal Packet (.pdf, 147 KB) (to voluntarily dismiss your case or a defendant if you are the plaintiff)