
USA v. Nelson et al. (Foakes, Ranieri & Burke) (17-cr-533-EMC – 2, 7 & 9)

17-cr-533-EMC – 2, 7 & 9

Trial in the case of 17-cr-533-EMC-2, 7 & 9 will begin on March 13, 2023.

Trial will generally be in session each weekday except Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Please check the Judge Chen’s Webpage for his unavailability. Trial will also be dark these days.

Due to the level of interest in this case, this web page has been created to notify journalists and interested members of the public of important news and information about access to proceedings and to case information. Please review information for journalists about covering proceedings in this court.


Hearing information is available on the PACER docket, on the judge’s calendar, or by emailing

Public Audio of the trial is available here:

Webinar ID: 161 991 1861
Password: 912881

Important: Any recording, copying, or rebroadcasting of a remote court hearing is absolutely prohibited.  See General Order 58 and the court’s Notice Regarding Press and Public Access to Court Hearings.

View all court rules affecting the media.

Due to the level of interest in this case, this web page has been created to notify journalists and interested members of the public of important news and information about access to proceedings and to case information.

General Court Information

About This Case

Certain pretrial orders are available for download without charge below. All other documents may be viewed/downloaded via the PACER system. To sign up for email alerts when a new document is filed, you may open an account with this Court’s ECF system, then sign up for notices of electronic filing.  

Upcoming Proceedings & Deadlines:
DateProceeding or DeadlineCourtroom (If Applicable)

Selected case documents of special interest:


Docket NumberFiling Date