Electronic Funding Request Form
The CJA Unit uses an interactive electronic funding request form to simplify and streamline the process for obtaining the necessary authorizations in CJA cases. Beginning Monday, June 25, 2012, the new form will be mandatory for all cases.
To Prepare and Submit the Form
Fill out form completely – do not forget to type your name and date on the last page of the form (and include your requested nunc pro tunc date, if applicable).
PDF the form by either:
1. Saving as PDF, or
2. Printing to Adobe PDF
Incorporate (or provide as separate attachment) any supporting documents, such as expert curriculum vitae. A proposed order is not necessary and should not be included.
Name PDF file as follows: FR(Funding Request)_case number-judge’s initials.defendant.pdf, e.g., FR_12-1234-ABC_Smith.pdf.)
Include the file name in the email subject line and email to cja@cand.uscourts.gov.