Allen v. City of Oakland, Case No. C00-4599 WHO
Reports of the Monitor
Due to the level of public interest in this case, the Court has made available for download the periodic reports of Independent Monitor Chief (Ret.) Robert S. Warshaw in the case of Delphine Allen, et al., vs. City of Oakland, et al. The Monitor was appointed in 2010 to oversee the compliance of the Oakland Police Department (OPD) with a consent decree. The process began in 2003.
| | Filing Date |
Monitor's Fiftieth Report (January 2018) (.pdf, 215 KB) | 01/12/2018 | |
Monitor's Fifty-Eighth Report (November 2018) (.pdf, 252 KB) | 11/28/2018 | |
Monitor's Fifty-Fifth Report (August 2018) (.pdf, 496 KB) | 08/23/2018 | |
Monitor's Fifty-First Report (February 2018) (.pdf, 229 KB) | 02/23/2018 | |
Monitor's Fifty-Fourth Report (July 2018) (.pdf, 262 KB) | 07/19/2018 | |
Monitor's Fifty-Ninth Report (January 2019) (.pdf, 180 KB) | 01/17/2019 | |
Monitor's Fifty-Second Report (April 2018) (.pdf, 253 KB) | 04/19/2018 | |
Monitor's Fifty-Seventh Report (November 2018) (.pdf, 230 KB) | 11/2/2018 | |
Monitor's Fifty-Sixth Report (September 2018) (.pdf, 249 KB) | 09/13/2018 | |
Monitor's Fifty-Third Report (May 2018) (.pdf, 224 KB) | 05/18/2018 | |
Monitor's Forty-Eighth Report (November 2017) (.pdf, 214 KB) | 11/20/2017 | |
Monitor's Forty-Fifth Report (August 2017) (.pdf, 289 KB) | 08/15/2017 | |
Monitor's Forty-Ninth Report (December 2017) (.pdf, 225 KB) | 12/15/2017 | |
Monitor's Forty-Seventh Report (October 2017) (.pdf, 262 KB) | 10/19/2017 | |
Monitor's Forty-Sixth Report (September 2017) (.pdf, 246 KB) | 09/13/2017 | |
Monitor's Sixtieth Report (March 2019) (.pdf, 188 KB) | 03/19/2019 | |
Monitor's Sixty-First Report (May 2019) (.pdf, 254 KB) | 05/23/2019 | |
Monitor's Sixty-Fourth Report (October 2019) (.pdf, 201 KB) | 10/25/2019 | |
Monitor's Sixty-Second Report (July 2019) (.pdf, 211 KB) | 07/11/2019 | |
Monitor's Sixty-Third Report (August 2019) (.pdf, 221 KB) | 08/19/2019 | |