Attorney Practice Information & Resources
Information for Attorneys Participating in Hearings held by Videoconference
or Attending In-Court Criminal Proceedings that Incorporate Videoconferencing
Please review the court’s information for attorneys attending “hybrid” in-court criminal proceedings that incorporate Zoom.
Please also review the court’s general Zoom guidance for hearings that will be held by videoconference or will incorporate videoconferencing.
Attorney Quick Links
- Class Action Settlement Guidance
- Criminal Justice Act (CJA) Unit
- E-filing—CM/ECF
- Forms
- Guidelines for Professional Conduct
- Information on In-Court Criminal Proceedings
Incorporating Zoom - Jury Qualification and Excuse Categories
- Jury Civil Questionnaire for Prospective Jurors
- Jury Criminal Questionnaire for Prospective Jurors
- Local Rules and General Orders
- Ombudsperson Program
- Pro Bono Opportunities for Attorneys
Attorney Responsibilities
Attorney practice in this Court is governed by Rule 11 of the Civil Local Rules. Rule 11-1(c) requires a bar applicant to certify knowledge of:
- the Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure and Evidence, the Rules of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and the Local Rules of this Court;
- the Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs of this Court; and
- the Standards of Professional Conduct of this Court set forth in Civil L.R. 11-4.
Practice Resources
- Questionnaire for Prospective Jurors
- Ombudsperson Program (Retired judges provide a process for attorneys to provide feedback to the court.)
- Guidelines for Professional Conduct (Civility guidelines for members of the bar of the Northern District added June 2014.)
- E-Discovery (ESI) Guidelines and Forms (Model stipulated protective order for patent cases added April 2014.)
- Introductory Video for Potential Jurors (Provides an overview of the trial process, juror duties, and effects of unconscious bias.)
- Transcripts/Court Reporters
- Attorney Lounges
- Practice Program
- Expedited Trial Program (General Order 64)
- Model Stipulated Protective Orders (for Patent Cases)
- Jury Instructions
- Complex Litigation Manual
- Service of Process Outside the United States